Teed Up Waiver

  • Dallas Mavericks

    Declaration of Eligibility, Release of Liability, and Publicity Release

    I, the undersigned, depose and say that:
      In connection with my entry in the Mavs Tee'd Up (“Contest”) and to satisfy the eligibility requirements, I hereby certify that I am (a) a legal permanent resident of Texas and reside within 150 miles of Dallas, Texas, but not within 75 miles of Houston, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, or Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; (b) 18 years of age or older; and (c) that neither I nor any relative of mine (parents, spouses, siblings, children and their respective spouses) is employed by Dallas Basketball Limited (the “Dallas Mavericks”), NBA Properties, Inc., the National Basketball Association (“NBA”), and its member teams (collectively, the “NBA Entities”), NBA Media Ventures, LLC, and any other organizations affiliated with the sponsorship of the contest, and each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and related entities, as well as each of the aforementioned parties’ respective directors, officers, governors, owners, shareholders, members, employees, representatives, distributors, retailers, successors, assigns, agents, and advertising/promotion agencies, (collectively, “Released Parties”), and hereby certify to the following data:

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    • that I have read and agree to abide by the Official Rules of this Contest (see here);
    • that my entry may automatically be disqualified if this Declaration of Eligibility, Release of Liability, and Publicity Release and associated materials are not received by the date provided;
    • that all Federal, State and other taxes and charges (if any) on any prize I may win will be my sole responsibility; and that a 1099-MISC Tax Form for the total value of the prize will be filed (as required by law) with the Internal Revenue Service in the year the prize is awarded;
    • that Released Parties and their designees and assigns shall have the perpetual, worldwide right and permission (unless prohibited by law) to use my name, account name, city/state of residence, photograph, biographical information, and/or other likeness for advertising and/or trade and/or any other purpose in any media now or hereafter known without further compensation, permission, authorization or notification;
    • that Released Parties and their designees and assigns shall have no liability and I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Released Parties from and against any liability, loss, injury or damage of any kind (including attorney’s fees) to myself or any other person or entity including, without limitation, personal injury, death or damage to personal or real property, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of my participation in this Contest, any claim for wages or compensation, premium pay, penalties or interest associated with or arising out of any services which may be provided, any claim for personal injury or damage to or loss of personal property, or any claim that my submission infringes or violates rights of any person or entity; and
    • that I will not contact, speak with or divulge any information regarding this Contest or any prize I may win, nor will I grant interviews to the media (including radio, television, newspapers or magazines or their related web sites) unless I am given express written permission to do so by the Dallas Mavericks.
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