Seth Curry was like a lot of us a few weeks back – discouraged, disillusioned, disappointed.
It’s easy to see that his grade on NBA life at the time was a D. Like most of us.
Then, he got some much-needed uplifting news recently, which he shared with this week. It was like a life-giving breath when he needed it most.
“It’s looking better by the day,” Curry said when asked about his gut feeling for the NBA being able to finish this season. “We got some new information this week that they can really pull it off if they want to.
“Obviously, it’s most important what’s going on in the country and the health of the entire nation. But we’re making a lot of big steps logistic-wise to pull off an end of the season and the playoffs. So that’s a bright spot. We’ll see what happens.”
It’s a big change, he said.
“A couple weeks ago, I was not very optimistic at all,” Curry admitted. “But I got a little bit more hope now.”
Curry was a featured judge on the panel judging the Venture Entrepreneurial Expedition finalists on Thursday.
He took time to address the NBA’s stoppage of play and what he’s hearing through the grapevine.
The Mavericks and 29 other NBA teams are prepared to reconvene sometime in June, according to many reports. They remain on hold for the moment, although commissioner Adam Silver has said an update on when teams could be able to begin an abbreviated training camp will come on June 1.
Until then, Curry and the rest of the Mavericks will try to do their best to maintain some sort of basketball conditioning.
“I’ve been doing a lot of cardio,” he said. “I got a little bit of cardio equipment. The team sent some stuff over. I’m just trying to find a way to stay in shape and do some work outside of the house. Every week, you just try to find something new and add a little element to entertain yourself other than just watching TV.”
Television, by the way, has had a difficult time keeping up with Curry, not the other way around.
“I wore that out in the first couple weeks,” he said, referring to the shelter-at-home order. “I wore out Netflix and video games. It’s just weird not being able to go to the gym every year like I’ve been doing the last 20 years.”
Curry also said that he and his teammates have not had much contact during the suspension, which started after the Mavericks defeated Denver on March 11. Since then, the world has undergone major changes and virtually all sports have been on hold until recently.
Horse racing continued at some tracks. NASCAR resumed last weekend. Soccer has been played in some countries.
But for the most part, it’s been a life without major sports.
And Curry said he also hasn’t been able to commiserate much with his teammates.
“We got a group chat that somebody will make a joke on every day,” he said. “We’ve had two group calls where we catch up on news and chat for about 30 minutes. But other than that, not too much. They (the Mavericks) kind of give us our space and have been checking on us here and there.
“It’s a tough time trying to stay prepared mentally and physically.”
Twitter: @ESefko
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