Dallas Mavericks guard J. J. Barea and his wife, Viviana, have welcomed a new baby into the world.
José Juan Barea was born on July 26 in Plano and weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. The new bundle of joy is the third child of Barea’s, who also has a 7-year-old son, Sebastian, and a 3-year-old daughter, Paulina.
“Everything went good and my wife is doing really good,” Barea told Mavs.com on Wednesday. “That’s all you can ask for is a healthy baby and a healthy wife.”
According to Barea, José Juan has already learned the secret sauce of being a newborn.
“He’s just pooping and crying and eating and sleeping,” Barea said. “He’s got the life right now, but he’s doing good.
“He’s sleeping good, he’s eating, he’s pooping, but they grow up quick. Once the season starts, every time I go on a trip and I’m back he’s going to be bigger, so you’ve just got to take advantage of it and just enjoy this time.”
Barea said he’s even been enjoying changing diapers. Well, sort of.
“With this little one I’ve probably changed about 5-10 diapers,” he said. “Wifey is doing all the work.
“But the rule is if you’re holding him and he poops, it’s your turn (to change the diaper). I’m like, ‘Ah, no!’ But I’ve got a bunch of experience with the other two, so I’m good.”
So how has José Juan’s big brother and big sister taken to the family’s new addition?
“The big brother and sister are excited and happy, so it’s awesome,” Barea said. “To live through that and to enjoy it is the best.
“It’s a blessing to have a family.”
Barea, 35, has played 10 of his 13 NBA seasons with the Mavs and credits his wife for keeping him grounded.
“I’m lucky,” Barea said. “I found a great wife, a great mother, a great friend, and we enjoy (marriage).
“We’re having the time of our life, we’re enjoying our kids and we love to live here (in Dallas). I don’t see us living anywhere else than here, so we’re excited and we’re enjoying life.”
As far as any sage advice for fathers, Barea was pragmatic.
“Just enjoy as much time and pay as much attention to their kids that they can, because it goes fast,” he said. “Not everybody is able to be a dad and not everybody has got ‘dad’ opportunities.
“But if you’re a dad enjoy it, pay attention to it and just encourage them in whatever they want to do. Don’t force them to do anything they don’t want to do. The most important thing about being a dad is just paying attention to them. Every day doing something with them is always special.”
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